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Association for Engineering Education of Russia

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Of current importance

The 4th Congress of Siberian Engineers will be held on November 19-20, 2018 on the basis of Tomsk Polytechnic University

On November 19-20, 2018, the Tomsk Polytechnic University will host the Congress of the engineers from all Siberian regions of the country. The high-level meeting will focus on the formation of the Siberian Road Map Technet Siberia NTI and its discussion.

Representatives of ministries, regional authorities, academic and university science, industrialists will jointly develop a program for the technological development of Siberia for the next four years. More information about the Congress can be found on the official website of the event of the event.

Currently, the country’s development programs have been formed at the federal level, which include the Strategy for Russia's Scientific and Technological Development (SSTD), the National Technology Initiative (NTI), the Digital Economy of the Russian Federation program, and others. However, due to gaps in communications, the scientific, technical and business community of Siberia is not adequately involved in this agenda and does not use existing opportunities. The Congress is facing the task to develop mechanisms for the involvement of Siberian regions and industrial enterprises of the Siberian Federal District in the road maps of the scientific and technological development of Russia. The participants will also discuss the ways to ensure timely delivery of information, promotion of existing opportunities and tools for handling such opportunities.

The Congress of Siberian engineers is traditionally held every four years. Among the invited guests and at the same time participants of the 2018 Congress are the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Sergey Menyaylo, representatives of federal ministries and departments, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities, industry unions. The previous congress was held in 2014 in Omsk and was devoted to the “Integration of the Engineering Potential of Siberian Regions into Solving National Tasks of Socio-economic Development”.

The Congress has round table discussions on its agenda: “Technet Siberia” — digitalization of design as a driver for the development of industrial enterprises”, “Interregional Program “Re-industrialization of Siberian Economy”, “Development of Scientific and Scientific-industrial Cooperation of Siberia. Integration of universities, scientific organizations, industry”, “Siberia as a Source of NTI Projects and an Advanced Area for Introducing New Technologies. Best Practices of Siberia for the Regional Standard of NTI” and others. Plenary discussions and an educational platform “New Personnel for NTI” will take place as well.

On November 20, the results of the work will be summed up, and the resolution of the Congress approved.

Address of Yuri P. Pokholkov